Thursday 19 April 2018


hello all this time I will discuss about cubomania that will be successful in the future.

Cubomania is an online platform for early childhood education with integration into physical conditions. The union of two exciting and completely unexplored markets regarding the use of this blockchain innovation makes it an incredible open door for the key financial experts in this section. Cubomania also created an online platform for children's education that will help and provide modern educational programs. Moreover, the application of blockchain technology is decentralized to ensure many things, no platform is the same as that for the work community.
First of all, a 5-year-old child can use a cell phone, tablet, e-reader .. They can access the internet. This happens because each subsequent generation capitalizes on the knowledge and experience generated by the previous generation. They need a program based on the latest educational experience that will enable them to gain knowledge and knowledge, it is a fact that childhood is the most important time in everyone's life as the experience that people have in childhood shapes the brain and ability to learn, to get along with others, and to respond to the daily pressures and challenges.

This Cubomania will be of great help to you all. When you discover the same problem in the early days of the computer era until Bill Gates gave people to communicate with computers, because one of the goals of cubomania is the main trend that arises in the industry is industrial robotics, which is a pillar major as a commercial robot that continues to amaze with its year-over-year performance curve. While prices for robots, sensors, CPUs, and communications continue to decline while capabilities continue to increase.
Your advantage of using cubomania is so much that one of them is better than a computer that has certain features and certain skills reaching a high level and players from the environment system through bonuses will make them more productive as they can achieve. Industrial gaming has proven to be a concept that works efficiently and financially cheerfully for entertainment products that exploit a human response such as stress.
In addition, the Cubomania platform will offer students online courses with a clear and transparent blockchain-based reward system. Agreements between prospective students and content providers will be achieved by intermediaries through a smart contract based on Ethereum. This means people can buy courses and learning characters from around the world and still have full confidence in the success, The game character will allow a child to think about social cooperation in the general public, understanding the human scale. It has a measure of vitality, satisfaction and life, which educates a child to face character, and then deals with the individual around. In a fruitful event (for example, if a child is associated with a character well so that the character shows the most abnormal amount of satisfaction), a child gets a reward (tradable Cubo tokens for an educational program on the platform).
Token CUBO is the only internal payment tool used in the Cubomania environmental system. Token CUBO is an Ethereum based token based on ERC-20 designed to work on the Cubomania platform.
Token will have the following functions in the Cubomania environment system:
1. Token CUBO will provide access to Cubomania based game learning platform
2. CUBO tokens warrant discounts for cubes .. Each user can purchase products directly from the Company from anywhere in the world without waiting for the product to appear in the local stores. Costs in tokens are always 40% lower than fees in Fiat Money. If paying with paper money (using Visa or MasterCard), exclusive discounts for Cubomania environmental system players are not applied and toys are sold at full price without discount.
3. Token CUBO will be used in smart contracts as a means of payment between educational content creators, partners and platform participants. Thus, CUBO tokens will ensure the fulfillment of shared obligations, for example, means of payment for products and services such as educational programs, individual plans, classes with tutors or education advisors, education centers, online schools, colleges ..
4. CUBO tokens are used as a means of payment in the Bounty Cubomania program.
5. Token CUBO will be used as a Tool for CuboBuddy game .. Token CUBO will be used to acquire behavioral characteristics to create learning character.
6. Using CUBO tokens as rewards in Incentive programs from external companies, creating content.
7. Token CUBO will be used to gain access to digital assets such as student transmission scripts for the organizations concerned (large data), learning characters, and educational programs.
8. Buying toys, users will get a number of CUBO tokens depending on the type and model of the cube. These tokens begin to accrue after the user enrolls in the ecosystem.
9. Getting tokens as gifts for daily activities undertaken by children, students, students.
10. Ensure the fulfillment of shared obligations, for example, means of payment for products and services such as educational programs, individual plans, classes with tutors or education advisors, education centers, online schools, colleges.
11. CUBO tokens are used as a means of payment in the program Bounty Cubomania ..
12. Token CUBO will be used as a Tool for CuboBuddy game .. Token CUBO will be used to acquire behavioral characteristics to create learning character.
13. Using CUBO tokens as rewards in incentive programs from external companies, creating content.
14. Token CUBO will be used to gain access to digital assets such as student transmission scripts for the organizations concerned (large data), learning characters, and educational programs.

For this year we have taken part in 12 events including startup battles, technology forums, and international exhibitions
Our products win the prestigious startup battle of Vernadsky Challenge 2017 with prize money of 70 thousand US dollars. We have entered the TOP 12 projects of Ukraine represented on the main event of Hardware industry CES 2018 Las Vegas. And we just warmed up.
so for my writing this, for more details you can visit the official website below:


Friday 6 April 2018

Globatalent is a unique platform for sports enthusiasts.

This time I will discuss about sports fans. Many people are currently making information in the world of sports, by betting on the outcome of this competition.
Globatalent is a block platform where clubs and players can finance themselves by selling their rights in the future, and they can invest in their idols.
We have developed a distributed platform that uses block-chain technology, and you and the wider community that have access to different teams / athletes. We will benefit from the shopping or team that is in the market that we offer. Procurement and future sale provided with limited rights, player transfers, prizes, payments, ticket sales, television contracts or other revenue. You do not need to spend a lot of money and you can invest a small amount of money. In addition to investing in players or teams, I also take part in the development of athletes.
We know that the sports industry not only collects millions, but the sports industry is even bigger. The lives of many people in this industry. A player or team needs Ask the community for their lives. Players and teams often go bankrupt because they do not reach, no athlete or can not use the industry.

We do not consider that this is a bad problem and we may have to hand over the industry due to vomiting or investment. So we are looking for a platform to handle it. I hope this will not happen again in the future.
The Google Platform allows users to buy and sell chips in the GLOBATALENT marketplace. Users can buy and sell benefits from different players and teams, depending on their ability. Teams or players are funded by tickets, sponsors, television broadcasters, rights transfer players, and / or the future rights of other clubs they sell. All of this will be transparent to the public.
We will help athletes or teams who need funds to use them and help to invest in teams to make a profit. 33% of our fee to support GLOBATALENT for young people, a program to finance young athletes without the resources to develop their careers and academics.

We will also help players or teams that need finances to get to know them, decentralize the sports industry and allow them to invest in their teams to make a profit. Every 33% of the fees we earn will be used to support the GLOBATALENT Youth Program, a program for youth funding for academic resources and careers.

* 40% of total sales will be offered to the actual investors with a 30% percentage through the SAFT (Simple Agreement for Future Token) agreement.
* Private presale opened from April 16, 2018 to May 18, 2018. Only accredited investors can buy GBT in this business with a SAFT merge.
* GBT offer: up to 200,000,000 GBT = $ 22,000,000 USD = 0.11 $ / GBT

The discount offered:
(1) payment from May 21 to May 23, 2018 = discount of 18% discount,
(2) purchases from May 24 to May 27, 2018 = 10% bonus discount and
purchase from 28 May to 31 May 2018 = 0% bonus discount. Sales will be opened from [*]. Changes are reserved for ICO
GBT Offer: up to 300,000,000 GBT = $ 39 million USD = 0.13 $ / GBT
GGT Reserve
20% by co-founder *.
7% on 7% of users
5% reserve fund with
3% signing bonus for partnership by Bounty
Crowd Sale 58% discount per portfolio
Token Total funds: $ 61 million USD to be part of a decentralized world world. GBT was initially supported by founders and athletes, who were assisted from the start, such as clubs, athletes, etc.

Development: (16%)
Marketing: (20%)
Operational & Legal: (10%)
Token Order Value: (50%)
Backup: (2%)
Other: (2%)





PROFILE :;u=1434492 

Thursday 5 April 2018

Globatalent adalah platform unik untuk penggemar olahraga.

hay ... semua tema untuk kali ini adalah tentang  penggemar olahraga. Banyak orang yang saat ini sedang membuat informasi dalam dunia olahraga, dengan bertaruh pada hasil dari kompetisi ini.
Globatalent adalah platform blok di mana klub dan pemain dapat membiayai diri mereka sendiri dengan menjual hak mereka di masa depan, dan mereka dapat berinvestasi di idola mereka.
Kami telah mengembangkan platform yang terdistribusi yang menggunakan teknologi rantai-blok, dan Anda dan komunitas yang lebih luas yang memiliki akses ke tim / atlet yang berbeda. Kami akan mendapat manfaat dari belanja atau tim yang ada di pasar yang kami tawarkan. Pengadaan dan penjualan masa depan yang diberikan dengan hak terbatas, transfer pemain, hadiah, pembayaran, penjualan tiket, kontrak televisi atau pendapatan lainnya. Anda tidak perlu menghabiskan banyak uang dan Anda dapat menginvestasikan sejumlah kecil uang. Selain berinvestasi dalam pemain atau tim, saya juga mengambil bagian dalam pengembangan atlet.
Kami tahu bahwa industri olahraga tidak hanya mengumpulkan jutaan, tetapi industri olahraga bahkan lebih besar. Kehidupan banyak orang-orang pada industri ini. Seorang pemain atau tim membutuhkan Minta komunitas untuk kehidupan mereka. Pemain dan tim sering bangkrut karena mereka tidak mencapai, tidak ada atlet atau tidak dapat menggunakan industri.
Kami tidak menganggap bahwa ini adalah masalah yang buruk dan kami mungkin harus menyerahkan industri karena muntah atau investasi. Jadi kami mencari platform untuk menanganinya. Saya harap ini tidak akan terjadi lagi di masa depan.

Platform Google memungkinkan pengguna untuk membeli dan menjual chip di pasar GLOBATALENT. Pengguna dapat membeli dan menjual berbagai manfaat dari pemain dan tim yang berbeda, tergantung pada kemampuan mereka. Tim atau pemain didanai oleh tiket, sponsor, hak siar televisi, pemain transfer hak, dan / atau hak masa depan klub lain yang mereka jual. Semua ini akan transparan bagi publik.
Kami akan membantu atlet atau tim yang membutuhkan dana untuk menggunakan mereka dan membantu untuk berinvestasi dalam tim untuk mendapatkan keuntungan. 33% dari biaya kami untuk mendukung GLOBATALENT bagi kaum muda, sebuah program untuk membiayai atlet muda tanpa sumber daya untuk mengembangkan karir dan akademis mereka.

Kami juga akan membantu pemain atau tim yang membutuhkan keuangan untuk mengenal mereka, mendesentralisasikan industri olahraga dan memungkinkan untuk berinvestasi dalam tim mereka untuk menghasilkan keuntungan. Setiap 33% dari biaya yang kami peroleh akan digunakan untuk mendukung Program Pemuda GLOBATALENT, program untuk dana tenaga muda untuk sumber daya dan karir akademik.
*  40% dari total penjualan akan ditawarkan kepada investor teraktual dengan persentase 30% melalui pertemuan SAFT (Perjanjian Sederhana untuk Token Masa Depan).
* Presale pribadi dibuka mulai 16 April 2018 hingga 18 Mei 2018. Hanya investor terakreditasi yang dapat membeli GBT dalam bisnis ini dengan gabungan SAFT.
* Penawaran GBT: hingga 200.000.000 GBT = $ 22.000.000 USD = 0,11 $ / GBT

Potongan harga yang ditawarkan ini: 
(1) pembayaran mulai 21 Mei hingga 23 Mei 2018 = diskon diskon 18%,  
(2) pembelian dari 24 Mei hingga 27 Mei 2018 = diskon bonus 10% dan  
pembelian dari 28 Mei hingga 31 Mei 2018 = diskon bonus 0%. Penjualan akan dibuka dari [*]. Perubahan dicadangkan untuk ICO
Penawaran GBT: hingga 300.000.000 GBT = $ 39 juta USD = 0,13 $ / GBT
GGT Reserve
20% oleh co-founder *.
7% pada 7% pengguna  
5% dana cadangan dengan  
bonus penandatanganan 3% untuk kemitraan oleh Bounty  
Crowd Sale 58% diskon per portofolio
Token Total dana: $ 61 juta USD untuk menjadi bagian dari dunia dunia terdesentralisasi. GBT pada awalnya didukung oleh pendiri dan atlet, yang dibantu dari awal, seperti klub, atlet, dll.

Pengembangan: (16%)  
Pemasaran: (20%)  
Operasional & Hukum: (10%)  
Token Nilai Pemesanan: (50%)  
Cadangan: (2%)  
Lainnya: (2%)





• Sunil Bhardwaj (SCIENTIST / CEO) - 20 tahun dalam manajemen olahraga sebagai manajer umum di liga basket terbaik. 10 tahun - spesialis utama dalam.
• Ferran Martinez (STRATEGIC ALLIANCE ADMINISTRATOR / SPORTS BUSINESS DEVELOPER) adalah mantan pemain bola profesional dan pemain Olimpiade, pengusaha dan investor. Mitra dari beberapa perusahaan dan ketua Lanczame Capital, dia dalam berinvestasi di perusahaan rintisan, terutama Fintech dan Blockchain.
• Alex Preukshat (SCIENTIST / SPECIAL PROJECT MANAGER) - semangat tentang transformasi sosial yang disebabkan oleh teknologi P2P dan ekonomi. Apa yang dimaksud dengan pengembangan strategi dan manajemen proyek di ekosistem Blockchain.
• Ignaki Cabrera (ILMUWAN / OLAHRAGA DAN PENASIHAT DARI BUSSINNS) - Komersial dan Manajer MKT Eropa Selatan. Memiliki lebih dari 20 tahun pengalaman dalam industri olahraga.

Anda dapat melihat lebih banyak tentang proyek Globaltalent tentang:

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PROFILE =;u=1434492